Riga Multimodal +
Riga Multimodal +
Location: Historical Center of Rīga
Client: Eiropas Dzelzceļa Līnijas
Size: 56 ha
Year: 2016
Status: Competition | Winning proposal
Partners: RUUME Arhitekti + Vektors + E. Daniševska Birojs + Landshape
Team: Pēteris Bajārs, Guna Priede, Jānis Aufmanis, Katerina Smirnova, Arta Lāce, Liene Adumāne - Vāvere, Līva Nordmane, Mārtiņš Rusiņš, Oskars Vāvere, Ģirts Runis, Anna Katlapa, Guntis Zīlis, Elmārs Daniševskis
Transforming the urban environment is a complicated and lengthy process. This is why we have to be ready for the FUTURIGA – Riga of the future. The proposed solutions adhere to the vision set out in Riga’s Sustainable Development Strategy for 2014-2030 for the city’s progress towards becoming a fully-fledged Northern European metropolis. According to the vision: the future Riga is compact, resource-efficient and smart; multicultural and tolerant; pedestrian, cyclist and public transport friendly; with an outstanding cultural environment and a creative population; vibrant neighbourhoods and a preserved cultural landscape; diverse and quality nature territories: green corridors and accessible canal sides and river banks.