Private house in Cēsis
Private house in Cēsis
Location: Cēsis
Client: Private
Size: 240 m2
Year: 2015-2016
Status: Completed
Partners: LOLOT
Team: Pēteris Bajārs, Toms Loris, Santa Meikulāne
Photo: Māris Ločmelis
Hills and dales do not form your typical Latvian landscape, which is why this holiday house in Cēsis was created with maximum respect for the unique relief of the ancient Gauja river valley. This variation in levels made it possible to position the building on the steep river bank so that it invariably looks different, regardless of your point of view. Secluded out of respect for the client's desire for privacy, the roadside facade is only visible up to a height of one and a half floors. In contrast, one can decipher each and every function of the building through the expansive glazing of the three-floor southern facade.